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Financial Intuition was formed because there was a need in the market for financial advice for the everyday person. There is a misconception that financial advice is only for people with money, but that is not the case. Everyone needs a financial planner. Our role is to assist you through your journey in life with your finances. We focus on the basics to clear your debt, build your wealth and make sure you have adequate protection in place for the unexpected.

Every persons journey is different and we want to assist that journey - where you are and where you want to be. We find along the way that peoples needs are changing and there are many legislation changes. We want to guide you through the financial maze and take the mystery out of what can be a very confusing experience.

It is likely that government assistance for the retiree in the future will be minimal. The onus is on you to provide for our own future and we will help you take that responsibility and control of your financial future.

We understand that keeping you informed is important and we will set review dates to ensure that as things change in your life we can mold your financial strategy accordingly.

If you are unsure about your financial future or want to revaluate your current situation and have some peace of mind at night, why not give us a call.

Since my work place accident in 2008, I realise the importance of adequate protection and that accidents can happen to anyone. I had no insurances in place so I was limited in my options for treatment and lifestyle. If I had adequate insurances in place I would have had greater choice in treatment and recovery.

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